Recently Completed Projects
New Carpet for House and Senate ChambersHouse Chamber ChairSully Portrait LightingThe Thomas Sully Portrait of George WashingtonMitchell Map ConservationFront Reception DesksHouse and Senate Desks and RostrumsPainting of Interior of Entire Capitol (in the 1990’s)Replaced Carpet in Governor’s Suite of Offices (2000)Restoration of Statues on the Grounds of Union Square (1983)Sidewalk Enhancement and Replacement, New Handicap Ramp at the East Entrance, (2009)
The Capitol has been home to North Carolina’s seat of government for more than 170 years. It is the mission of the State Capitol Foundation Planning & Properties Committee to continue to preserve and conserve this important site for future generations. Won’t you join us?
New Carpet for House and Senate Chambers
- In the summer of 2011, new carpet was installed in the legislative chambers. The old carpet was riddled with holes and snags, and visitors often commented on its shabby appearance. The project to replace the late 1970s carpeting began nearly twenty years ago as the last major element left in the most recent Capitol renovation. Watch a time lapse of the carpet replacement in the House Chamber here
House Chamber Chair
- This historic chair was accidentally damaged and the arm was broken. With the generous support of the State Capitol Foundation, the Capitol hired a professional conservator to return the seat to its former splendor.
Sully Portrait Lighting
- The Thomas Sully portrait of George Washington was the first work of art purchased by the State of North Carolina and is one of the highlights on every Capitol tour. Unfortunately, the Sully’s masterwork was largely obscured due to poor lighting and was practically indiscernible from the viewing area. The State Capitol Foundation procured several special artifact lights so that every visitor to the Capitol may view Washington as he was meant to be seen.
Mitchell Map Conservation
- As with many artifacts in the Capitol collection, this 1844 map of the United States by S. Augustus Mitchell was purchased and restored with funds allocated by the State Capitol Foundation. The State Capitol Foundation has been instrumental in completing the Capitol’s artifact collection.
Front Desk
- After years with a poorly functioning and ill-fitting reception desk, the State Capitol Foundation commissioned a custom-built reception area.
To view more projects funded by the Foundation, please click here”. Add a link that lists:
House and Senate Desks and Rostrums
- The furnishings in both Chambers of the building have been refurbished through the fund-raising efforts of the Foundation. In addition, the Foundation has secured appropriate period furnishings throughout the building.
Painting of interior of entire Capitol (in the 1990’s)
Replaced carpet in Governor’s suite of offices (2000)
Restoration of statues on the grounds of Union Square (1983)
Sidewalk enhancement & replacement, new handicap ramp, (2009)